Sunday, October 1, 2017

Where are you 50+ Crowd?

I love following health and wellness individuals on social media. I love running and yoga blogs and podcasts. I am slightly obsessed with them, actually. But, as I was scrolling through my feeds yesterday, and getting new “Follow” suggestions, from whatever social media app I was on, I realized, that most of the existing people I follow, along with the new suggestions, are all people much younger than myself. And, it started to bother me...what message does that deliver to those of us 50+?

For those of us 50+, with limited, to no one, in our age range to follow, does that mean that we aren’t concerned with health and wellness? Are we technologically challenged, so we don’t create a forum for others to follow?  Would we rather just post about our aches, pains, medications we are taking, and potential surgeries we are having? I am perplexed, and intrigued, all at once. 

So, maybe it is time to be the change I want to see; to represent the 50+. I enjoy sharing what is working for me, and I hope that it sparks something with others. By sharing, it also helps to keep me motivated and on track (confession time, something that I haven’t been for a while now). When I am out of my “mode,” boy, am I out of my mode!

With all this being said, Fall is here...temperatures are cooling, and it’s time to dust off the running plan and get back to it. It’s time to look at when I felt really, really good and what was the secret sauce, at that time. Running, yoga and balanced nutrition are the keys for me. What is your secret sauce?

Until next time.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

What's the Story with Nutrition?

Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition - I feel like I am either spot on with it, or I have the eating habits of a 12-year old child. And, unfortunately with me, as with so many things in my life, I'm either all in or all out. The family joke, "I have to be in my mode." So, as you can probably tell, I have NOT been in my mode. 

There are many contributing factors, that are all connected and end up creating a vicious circle, that I cannot seem to get out of.

In January, my back went out, basically I was literally on my back for about a solid month. I could barely walk from my living room to the bathroom (one bedroom apartment folks...not that far!). The degree of pain, and how debilitating it was, sent me for an X-ray, an MRI, acupuncture, cupping (Michael Phelps, at the Olympics, has nothing on me!), chiropractic care - I tried everything and nothing was working. I couldn't do yoga, I couldn't run, the act of walking was a challenge! The stress was compounding, with no way to deal with it. The higher the stress level, the more I needed the physical activity to release the stress. The higher the stress level, the worse my back became, lessening the ability to heal and get the physical activity I so desperately needed - vicious circle number 1.

Along with no physical activity, my desire, and focus,to nourish my body went out the door. Unless one considers their body being nourished by gummy bears and Diet Coke acceptable. Vicious circle number 2 - poor nourishment, slower healing time. 

I'm barely getting back on track...but, as always, for every situation that occurs, is an opportunity to learn and grow. Here are my lessons, in no particular order of importance, but numbered nonetheless.

  1. Balance my life. Everything has a level of importance, but the key is to balance the important things in our lives. 
  2. My physical well-being is a high level of importance. I need to be grateful for the gift of being physically active and not take it for granted.
  3.  My physical well-being directly connects to  my emotional and spiritual well-being. If one of these is off, then ALL three are off. (Yup, that's me; the all in or all out kind of gal!)
  4. Good nutrition is a direct reflection of how I am feeling, and what is going on in my life. "Crap in/crap out." I sound like Mr. Miyagi.
  5. Hydration, hydration, hydration! Need I say more?!?
Thankfully, my back is on the mend, I am not 100%, but I am 100% better than I was. I have started to run again and need to begin to incorporate yoga back into my routine. I spent time with wonderful friends this weekend, that always provide me with the level set I need from a nourishment perspective. Two days of healthy foods, I find my energy level increased, my mood more consistent and overall just feel happier - I am back in my mode!

What things nourish your physically, mentally and spiritually? How do you consistently make them a priority in your life?

Until the next time!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Half Crazy Kelly...13.1 Miles...'cause I'm only HALF crazy!

Welcome to my new blog, Half Crazy Kelly. As with my former blog, The Adventures of the Girl in the Red Bug, I hope to continue to share this wacky journey called life with you. 

Why the newly named blog? Recently, I relocated back to California. Before leaving AZ, it was time to trade in The Bug. The little Red Bug, had lived it's natural life and maybe a little more. So, it only seemed appropriate since the Red Bug was officially being retired, that it was time to retire the blog, The Adventures of the Girl in the Red Bug, as well. New car, new job, new place to live = new blog. So, here I am, Half Crazy Kelly. So, welcome!

Until the next time....